I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles. I work with Prof. Tommaso Treu on dark matter related projects. My research focuses different dark matter models and constraints from observations such as the Milky Way satellites and strong gravitational lensing.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral associate at Carnegie Observatories, where I worked with Andrew Benson on building accurate semi-analytic models for the evolution of dark matter halos and their substructure. I got my PhD at the Institute for Astrophysics of Goettingen University. My thesis is about semi-analytic models of structure formation with ultralight axion dark matter.

By comparing the results from state-of-the-art semi-analytic models and direct simulations with the latest observations, I hope to obtain constraints on dark matter models and explore the fantastic nature of the dark sector of the universe.

Besides, I am also interested in numerical relativity related to compact objects and black holes, and modified gravity.